On 15 September 1916, a founding assembly was held in Zagreb at which, upon the permission of the then Royal Country Government, a joint-stock company named PRVA HRVATSKA TVORNICA ULJA (FIRST CROATIAN OIL FACTORY) was established, and according to its founding act, its objective was: “to build an oil factory, exploit all kinds of oilseeds, and sell the products of its making.”
Production begins at the oil factory
The factory began its operations in 1917. That summer, the first production of pumpkin seed and sunflower oil was started in the premises at the Palmotićeva 82 address. That same year, a total of 800,000 litres of oil were produced. In 1920, the first factory in the Palmotićeva Street became too small. The production premises were thus moved to the Branimir Street.
Production of refined edible oil begins
In 1924, the production of refined edible oil was started. The production capacity of 35 tonnes covered 55% of the total oil consumption in the country. The daily capacity of the refinery was around 4 tonnes of edible oil per 24 hours. In 1935, automatic presses were installed, which helped achieve a capacity of 35 tonnes of refined oil produced per day.
First significant research works begin
In 1952, the first important research works began at TVORNICA ULJA as part of the first factory laboratory for production control. The delivery of raw materials to the crushing facility was also mechanised, and an oilseeds dryer was built. The largest repurchase of sunflowers up to that time (a record beaten only in 1962)
The first production of margarine begins
In 1956, the first production of MARGARINE began with one production line, and thus Zvijezda became the first producer of this type of food in the country. The market accepted the new product very quickly. With its quality and suitable packaging, it satisfied the taste of consumers and was widely used in cooking.
Production of vegetable butter oil and fats begins
In 1959, the production of VEGETABLE BUTTER OIL (nowadays called vegetable fat) and FATS begins. This was another item from the group of solid vegetable fats that was also quickly accepted by the market, especially the food industry (bakery, confectionery and pastry industry).
Mayonnaise production begins
Back in 1959, the history of one of the strongest Croatian brands began, when the production of MAYONNAISE (in a tube) was started. At the beginning of production, the composition was often changed in order to adapt the quality and type to market requirements.
The production of mayonnaise in foil begins
In 1965, the production of mayonnaise in foil began. Domestic production thus gained its real momentum in the early 1980s, when a new line for the continuous production of mayonnaise began its operation at Zvijezda. The only producer of mayonnaise in Croatia
PEKOL additive – a new product in the bakery industry
In 1967, the production of different types of margarine for industrial use (BV, LT, BB) began, which was a novelty in the country at the time. A new product in the bakery industry, the additive called PEKOL, was launched on the market in 1970.
Production of new spreadable margarine under the name “MARGO” begins
In 1981, a new line for the continuous production of mayonnaise was put into operation. At the end of 1981, the production of new types of spreadable margarine under the name of “MARGO” began.
First salads with mayonnaise base and the addition of vegetables and meat
At the end of 1981, the first mayonnaise-based salads with vegetables and meat were offered to consumers. In 1986, Zvijezda’s sauces, which are also mayonnaise-based products, were place on the market.
New type of “GAMA” margarine
In 1984, Zvijezda launched a new type of margarine called “GAMA”, intended for cooking and frying, in 500-gram packages.
Zvijezda becomes part of the Agrokor concern
In 1993, Zvijezda became part of the Agrokor concern, and thus, it was modernised, technologically perfected with increased distribution and a marketing strategy, representing one of the largest operators of the Croatian economy.
First Croatian oil factory changes its name to Zvijezda
In 1995, Prva hrvatska tvornica ulja d.d. (First Croatian Oil Factory, joint-stock company) changed its name to Zvijezda d.d. With product quality, the strength of its brands and distribution, Zvijezda managed to reach global standards and strengthened its position on the market.
Started with the production of Omegol oil and Omegol spread
In 2005, the production of Omegol oil and Omegol spread began. This was Zvijezda’s first line of functional products that contribute to the preservation of blood vessels, reduce blood cholesterol levels and are targeted to everyone who is mindful of a healthy diet and chooses a modern and healthy lifestyle, and they were the first of its kind on the Croatian market rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids
90th anniversary of Zvijezda and the new logo
In 2006, Zvijezda d.d. celebrated the 90th anniversary of its existence, on the occasion of which the logo and products of the Zvijezda brand were redesigned.
Owing to their own traditional recipes and high-quality raw materials, Zvijezda products are rated as high-trust products by consumers who gladly remain loyal to the brand.
Zvijezda celebrates 100 years of flavour
Zvijezda celebrated its 100 years of existence, and with its recognisable product flavours, Zvijezda traditionally became a staple in many households across Croatia. Zvijezda continued to work on the quality of its products and the introduction of new ones in order to adapt to the current needs of its loyal customers. In 2016, Zvijezda started producing its own ketchup, recognising the product’s potential and consumer habits, and continued to work on the quality of its products and the introduction of new ones in order to adapt to the current needs of its loyal consumers.